Official Coronado Panama Community Website
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  • Coronado Community News

    Rest in Peace - Jacob Erhler

    Rest in Peace -  Jacob Erhler

    JACOB ERHLER the editor of The Visitor / El Visitante died in a fall from the 30th floor of a building in Paitilla on Thursday, November 28, ...

    Total Power Surge Protection

    Total Power Surge Protection

    If you’ve got appliances, a computer and electronics—and who doesn’t these days?—you can’t afford not to safeguard them with ...

    Rocking And Rolling In Retirement

    Rocking And Rolling In Retirement

    When Steve and Adele Doane retired to Panama seven years ago they never imagined themselves in a rock and roll band.  But with plenty of spare time and a circle ...

    Should You Support NHN?

    Should You Support NHN?

    The Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) Helpline is a community safety organization based in Panama’s Pacific beach areas. NHN was born from the need to feel safe and to ...

    Recycling at the Beach

    Recycling at the Beach

    Living in a beautiful country like Panama, it is easy to forget that our garbage ends up in overflowing landfills much like it does in the rest of the world. The world ...

    Woody has passed away

    Woody has passed away

    Our good friend Woody (Werner Woods) is gone. He slipped into a coma and passed in his sleep yesterday afternoon. He was 53 years old. He died as he had ...

    Fashion Week in Panama 2013

    Fashion Week in Panama 2013

    This year’s Fashion Week in Panama 2013 (FWP13) held in Panama City was a huge success, taking fashion to new heights in Panama. ...

    Coronado Extremo Triathlon 2013

    Coronado Extremo Triathlon 2013

    An excited bunch of athletes, met Sunday September 22 to partake in the Coronado Extreme Triathlon. This sprint Triathlon has been taking place in Coronado for ...