Official Coronado Panama Community Website
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  • Coronado Community News

    Boquete Jazz Festival

    Boquete Jazz Festival

    A young man with a small trumpet (a pocket trumpet, he said it was) stood at the edge of the crowd. What band was he with? "I'm not with a ...

    2014 CASA Chili Cook-off!

    2014 CASA Chili Cook-off!

    9 cooks went head to head to win the coveted Pepto Bismo Cup at the CASA Chili Cook-off at Alcaza Towers, yesterday Feb 10. The ...

    Coronado Catholics Family Fun Fair

    Coronado Catholics Family Fun Fair

    Coronado Catholics, the English-speaking Catholic Community in and around Coronado, celebrates their Third Anniversary with a Grand Fun Fair at the Capilla del Divino Nino ...

    Bieber Fever in Punta Chame

    Bieber Fever in Punta Chame

    I was taking in a Pacific coast sunset from the quite shores of Malibu when the chaos began. It was Friday evening, so I did my best to ignore my ...

    Rotary Club in Coronado

    Rotary Club in Coronado

    Have you ever wanted to make the world a better place?  Have you ever heard of Rotary?  Rotary International is a worldwide service organization of 1.2million members in ...